備忘のために、ナディン・ゴーディマが1980年ころにJMクッツェーの作品について述べたことばを記録しておく。ペンギンから送られてきた Waiting for the Barbarians のアドヴァンス・コピーを読んだゴーディマは、その感想を乞われてこう書き送った。
”J.M.Coetzee's vision goes to the nerve-centre of being. What he finds there is more than most people will ever know about themselves, and he conveys it with a brilliant writers mastery of tension and elegance.”
”J.M.Coetzee's vision goes to the nerve-centre of being. What he finds there is more than most people will ever know about themselves, and he conveys it with a brilliant writers mastery of tension and elegance.”