わたしはクッツェーという作家について考える時、何度もこのインタビューにもどる。南アフリカという土地と、彼のオリジンであるヨーロッパ文化と、クッツェーとの関係を知るための原点に近い。「美しさと慰め On Beuty and Consolation」
以下はこのビデオに含まれているクッツェーの発言( J.C.Kannemeyer からの引用:ちなみにカンネメイヤーの伝記には、このTVは2002年となっているが、オランダで初めて放映されたのは2000年)。
The peculiar cruelty and horror of apartheid was the very un-African
aspect of it, a very rigid and ordered and in a sense European derived
system imposed on a country and society to which it was really
petrifying. And its horror was all the more because it seemed an
absurd rerun in Africa of what the Nazis had done in Europe. It
seemed a farcical repetition of a history of what then ought to have
been obsolete. So you look here at a continent which is prolific of life
and where life is cheap and always was cheap, but not in that way, not
in a manner of systemized cruelty and extinction. So that has been the
peculiar hideousness of the past half-century. In a country and on a
continent which is not perhaps beautiful on the human scale, but [...]
beautiful in a wild and grand and impressive manner. It is the contrast
between the particular ugly, banal, systematic, cruel horror in an
environment which is so huge and so lavishly beautiful. (Kannemeyer, p211)