

2週間前に、ヴィッツヴァーテルスラント大学で授業料値上げ反対から始まった南アフリカの学生たちの抵抗が、今週に入って、野火のように全国へ広がり、大学が封鎖されたあとは通りへと拡大して、南アフリカという国の根幹を揺さぶっている、と伝えられている。「born frees at the helm」が合いことば。



Born a communist, died a capitalist's Blade
Where leader's cane afford to learn
Students are SA's future


 このビデオ、Shutting Down the Rainbow Nation の存在は、ビンニャヴァンガ・ワイナイナのツイートで知った。彼のコメントは「look at those young people taking charge of their continent! /この若者たちが自分の大陸に責任をもとうとするところを見て!」というもの。

Students shook the South African nation to its very core this week as protests swept across campuses with the so-called born frees at the helm. "Shutting Down the Rainbow Nation'' is a ten minute documentary that captures the energy and heart of the student-led movement, which shut down higher education institutions around the country. It speaks to the policing of the black body, state violence, and the fall of the 'rainbow nation', sewn together with videos posted by the public on Twitter and Facebook throughout the shutdown. History was re-written this week, as it became clear that even though the revolution may not have been (adequately) televised, it was certainly tweeted. 

Video edited and produced by Leila Dougan.

Thumbnail image by Jabulile Newman.

Thanks to BCUC (Bantu Continua Uhuru Consciousness) for the music (http://www.bcuc-band.com/).

We thank the twitterverse for their contribution including:

@LirandzuThemba, @ashleighfurlong, @LanceAPetersen, @DerangedCatlady, @cleoPOKPAS, @CamillaCrafter, @LirandzuThemba, @DanniTwiet, @ashleighfurlong, @VusiThembekwayo, @abed_v1, @shaunswingler, @JabulileNewman, @intellectualangel, @bro_slovo, @ZizMajavu, @YusraaPochee, @CaityShannon, @MalaikaWaAzania, @leiladougan

Please accept our apologies if we used your footage without prior permission. If this is the case, please let us know so that we can add your hashtag to the list.