

おお、ビクトル・ハラ! シンガーである劇作家でもあったハラを虐殺したピノチェト政権下のチリの軍人たちが裁判にかけられる、という英ガーディアンの記事を読んで、1973年という年を思い出した。まだわたしは学生だった。いまでもハラの名前はくっきりと覚えている。ビクトル・ハラの歌をひさびさにたっぷり聴こうかな。

Jara – who was also a folk singer, theatre director and communist party member - was taken prisoner during the coup by General Augusto Pinochet in September 1973. 
Military officers tortured him, broke his wrists and hands, played Russian roulette with him and then on 16 September executed him with 44 bullets. 
He remains arguably the best-known victim of the coup, but there are many other outstanding cases. 
According to Chile’s truth and justice commission, 3,095 people were killed during the 1973-90 Pinochet dictatorship, including about 1,000 who “disappeared”. Bodies are still being found today.
